Thursday 6 September 2007

Bugs in my teeth

In order to spend some time talking about how good we have been, and how good we could continue to be, we went out for a night
The social committee (Ben Worby) got the thing together and it all worked out pretty bloody well.
Ben 'social committee' Worby

First we played some pool at a place called Qmasters. There was a 'big boys' table and a 'small boys' table. If you won you went up to the big boys, if you lost you went down to the little boys. We played paired pool with best of 3 game contests happening on the big boys table in the same time that 1 game was played at the kids table.

This me after my 'pool for beginners and chumps' coaching session from JRay. "Get your chin onto the pool Que Mike, you are bringing in an error of parallax."

The winners of each rubber would afforded the right to choose the drink that the losers would purchase for both teams. The complication was that at Qmasters the pool tables are not in the licenced area, so the drink of choice was some kind of shot. Consequently the first 3 or 4 few drinks that most of the boys had were some kind of firey shot. Finished off one bottle of black sambuca that was on the shelf and had a good run at the other one. Jason was on call for work and so couldn't go too hard on the booze. Never the less the social committee had a plan, Jasons first drink was a shot of lime cordial, youch.

Anyway as you can imagine some players made out pretty well by winning a lot of games and getting a lot of drinks bought for them. It was a good fun start.

We then headed up to the Normanby where Massey was having a going away party. This turned into a big fat booze up with various members of the Brisbane Frisbee community. I had a top time.

So, thanks for the great night Ben and team, so long Massey, enjoy southern California and the girl. Thanks Chady for the photo action. I'll see you all again for another Buggers social night soon.
